Πέμπτη 4 Δεκεμβρίου 2014


Είναι το φάντασμα της πρωτογενούς ιδεολογίας των λαών της δηλαδή, που λοιδορήθηκε, απαξιώθηκε, συχνότατα ενοχοποιήθηκε, και τώρα ορθώνει το δικό της το μπόι, απειλώντας να πάρει τη δική της ανελέητη ρεβάνς...

Μόνο που αυτή η ρεβάνς, θα είναι ιδιαιτέρως απρόβλεπτη ως προς την εξέλιξή της, γιατί το πατριωτικό συναίσθημα των λαών, αφού απέτυχε η απόπειρα του εξοβελισμού του από τα νεοταξίτικα ιδεολογήματα, στοχοποιήθηκε και εκχωρήθηκε σε επικίνδυνους και καιροσκόπους, σε νεοναζί και πατριδοκάπηλους, και τώρα όλοι μιλούν για το τέρας του αναδυόμενου και ανεξέλεγκτου "εθνικισμού" που ρίχνει τη "βαριά σκιά του" πάνω από την Ευρώπη.

Η ιστορία παίρνει τη δική της εκδίκηση... Και την παίρνει με τρόπο που γελοιοποιεί τους πρωταγωνιστές της Ευρωπαϊκής αθλιότητας, και μαζί τους όλους εκείνους που υποτίθεται πως την αντιπαλεύουν από προοδευτικό και δημοκρατικό μετερίζι.

Ας θυμηθούμε πως περιέγραφε το «κομμουνιστικό μανιφέστο» την Ευρωπαϊκή πραγματικότητα το 1847, αφού και...οι παραλληλισμοί έχουν τη σημασία τους: 

«Ένα φάντασμα πλανιέται στην Ευρώπη: Το φάντασμα του κομμουνισμού. Όλες οι δυνάμεις της γερασμένης Ευρώπης ενώθηκαν σε μια ιερή συμμαχία για να κυνηγήσουν αυτό το φάντασμα: Ο πάπας και ο τσάρος, ο Μέτερνιχ κι ο Γκιζό, γάλλοι ριζοσπάστες και γερμανοί αστυνομικοί. Ποιο κόμμα της αντιπολίτευσης δεν έχει κατηγορηθεί σαν κομμουνιστικό από τους αντιπάλους του που κυβερνούν, ποιο κόμμα της αντιπολίτευσης δεν αντέκρουσε με την κατηγορία του κομμουνισμού τους πιο προοδευτικούς αντιπολιτευόμενους, καθώς και τους αντιδραστικούς αντιπάλους του; Δυο πράγματα βγαίνουν απ' το γεγονός αυτό:  Ο κομμουνισμός αναγνωρίζεται πια απ' όλες τις ευρωπαϊκές δυνάμεις σαν μια δύναμη. Είναι καιρός πια οι κομμουνιστές να εκθέσουν ανοιχτά μπροστά σ' όλο τον κόσμο τις αντιλήψεις τους, τους σκοπούς τους, τις επιδιώξεις τους και ν' αντιπαραθέσουν στο παραμύθι του κομμουνιστικού φαντάσματος ένα Μανιφέστο του ίδιου του κόμματος…»

Αυτά έλεγε τότε το «Μανιφέστο του κομμουνιστικού κόμματος»,  και ας προσγειωθούμε στο σήμερα 167 χρόνια μετά, με τη βοήθεια της Γαλλικής «ΛΙΜΠΕΡΑΣΙΟΝ». 

Λέει λοιπόν μεταξύ άλλων η εφημερίδα: «Ο Αργεντινός Πάπας είναι ο τελευταίος των μεγάλων Ευρωπαίων; Ο Ποντίφικας βρήκε αυτή την εβδομάδα στο Στρασβούργο τις λέξεις που δεν μπορούν να βρουν οι πολιτικοί για να μιλήσουν για την Ευρώπη, την αναγκαιότητά της, το μήνυμα ελπίδας της. Είναι λοιπόν οι Εκκλησίες πιο διαυγείς από τις κυβερνήσεις, βλέπουν καλύτερα από τους πολίτες;  Είναι πιθανό, απαντά ο γάλλος πολιτικός αναλυτής Αλέν Ντιαμέλ με άρθρο του στη Λιμπερασιόν. Η έκκληση του Στρασβούργου βρίσκεται σε εμφανή αντίθεση με τη γενική παθητικότητα, από τις Βρυξέλλες ως το Παρίσι ή το Βερολίνο, απέναντι στην επιστροφή των εθνικισμών. Δεν δώσαμε τη σημασία που έπρεπε στην πρωτιά που κατέκτησε για δεύτερη φορά το Ukip του Νάιτζελ Φάρατζ σε αναπληρωματικές εκλογές στη Βρετανία. Κι όμως, το βρετανικό ευρωσκεπτικιστικό κόμμα σημειώνει συνεχώς επιτυχίες ύστερα από εκείνο το 27,5% στις ευρωπαϊκές εκλογές. Το 2014 θα μείνει στην ιστορία ως η πρώτη χρονιά που οι εθνικισμοί παίρνουν την εκδίκησή τους από το ευρωπαϊκό όνειρο».

Vladimir Putin’s annual address to Federal assembly & Putin Q&A 2014

Vladimir Putin’s annual address to Federal assembly in English

Putin Q&A 2014 (FULL PRESSER)

Τρίτη 2 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

South Stream Pipeline Is No More. Hello "Turk Stream"

We (Russia) believe that it doesn’t meet the economic interests of Europe and it harms our cooperation. But such is the choice of our European friends,” he said. The South Stream project is at the stage when “the construction of the pipeline system in the Black Sea must begin,” but Russia still hasn’t received an approval for the project from Bulgaria, the Russian president said.

Investing hundreds of millions of dollars into the pipeline, which would have to stop when it reaches Bulgarian waters, is “just absurd, I hope everybody understands that,” he said. Putin believes that Bulgaria “isn’t acting like an independent state” by delaying the South Stream project, which would be profitable for the country.

He advised the Bulgarian leadership “to demand loss of profit damages from the European Commission” as the country could have been receiving around 400 million euros annually through gas transit. Europe just shot itself in the head in a very big way….and it gets better 

 Remember Turkey, that big Muslim country that has been teased with EU membership for the past 30 some years… well it looks like Turkey is not only realigning away from the EU, but sticking it to Europe while doing such realigning, because after today (and given Ukraine’s complete meltdown), a big part of South Europe’s energy will fully depend on Turkish transit lines.

RT reports the second big piece of news…
Gazprom CEO Aleksey Miller said the energy giant will build a massive gas pipeline that will travel from Russia, transit through Turkey, and stop at the Greek border – giving Russia access to the Southern European market.

Παρασκευή 24 Οκτωβρίου 2014


Please watch and share interview with commander of tank battalion from Armed Forces of Donetsk republic. He telling about himself, his battalion and about foreign weapon which foreign companies put on Ukrainian modified tanks. He is native from Donetsk region, served in time of USSR, more than 2 years ago he came to live and work in Russia. After begin of attack and shelling of city Slavyansk he back to Donetsk. His nickname is Pantsyr [Armor], he gave his life to Motherland, it is his last interview before death. Video have English subtitles made in Youtube


Legend Reborn: Soviet WWII Tank Hunter SU-100 is Restored
It took more than half a year for a group of restorers to reconstruct a SU-100 tank destroyer. Watch their interesting work and hear a veteran's opinion!
The self-propelled gun waged its first battle in only 1945, but it quickly gained fame due to its power. A shell fired from its 100-mm gun could penetrate the 100-mm thick armor of German battle tanks such as the Panther and Tiger.
P. S. Don't forget to turn on the English subtitles!

Πέμπτη 2 Οκτωβρίου 2014

An example of the Russian 5th column at work - Arkadii Dvorkovich

Over the recent days bad economic news have been pouring in for Russia: the prices of bread, cheese, medicine, meats and many other product have been going up, some of them sharply.  At the same time, the Ruble has reached a new low against the Dollar which forced the Russian Central Bank to intervene to defend the Ruble. No doubt, Obama would say that the sanctions are showing their effectiveness.

Except for one problem: no economist has been able to directly link the US/EU sanctions with what we are observing.  In fact, the reality is much simpler.

In the case of commodity prices what is happening is much simple: Russian companies have seized the opportunity presented by these sanctions to sharply raise their prices and make an extra profit.  So far, so good.  That was predictable.  In fact, the Russian government and Putin himself had predicted that and they had warned that the state would be closely monitoring any such price increases and that legal action would be taken against any speculators.

This is where things become interesting.

The person in charge of this monitoring is Arkadii Dvorkovich, Deputy Prime Minister in Dmitry Medvedev's cabinet has dismissed it all saying that when he goes shopping for bread he does not notice any price increases.  So who is this Dvorkovich character anyway?

Arkadii Dvorkovich
Turns out that he is a pure product of the Atlantic Integrationist clan.  Himself a rather modest oligarch (his official personal income in 2011 was only 4 millon Rubles), he is married to a much bigger oligarch, Zumrud Khandadashevna Rustamova, who, according to the Russian Wikipedia, is a member of the board of directors of major companies like the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Kombinat, the gold mining Polius Zoloto, or the main Moscow airport Sheremetevo.  Her official yearly income is already a healthier 42 million Rubles.  Dvorkovich, who attended Duke University in the USA, is also involved in all sort of more or less shady companies and deals including the infamous Skolkovo project.

In fact, I would argue that Dvorkovich is so typical of the Atlantic Integrationists that he could be their poster boy.  By sabotaging the Kremlin's efforts to prevent Russian businesses to profit from the sanctions, Dvorkovich not only stands to get some terrific kickbacks, but he also contributes to the 5th columns efforts into convincing the general public that western sanctions are crippling Russia. The good news is  that the Eurasian Sovereignists are fighting back and that several Russian TV channels have already reported about these abnormal price increases and about the fact that Dvorkovich seems to be doing exactly nothing about it.  

Over and over again we observe the same phenomenon: the President order the Prime Minister and his government to do something, and the latter just ignore him.  This is a typical example of how the 5th column works in Russia and, in the future, I plan to provide more examples of this here.

The Saker

ο Arkadii Dvorkovich (φωτο) ο οποίος σπούδασε στο Duke University των USA, είναι ο αναπληρωτής πρωθυπουργός του Μεντβεντεβ και ήδη κατηγορείται σαν ενεργό μέλος της 5ηςΝΑΤΟικής φάλαγγας που λειτουργεί μέσα στην Ρωσική κοινωνία. Παρά τις προειδοποιήσεις του Πουτιν προς την κυβέρνηση για κερδοσκοπικά φαινόμενα λόγω του εμπάργκο, ο καθ ύλην αρμόδιος κ Dvorkovich , κάνει ότι περνάει από το χερι για να ανέβουν οι τιμές αφου αντί να κάνει ελέγχους , περιφέρεται λέγοντας ότι τα βλέπει όλα αυτά φυσικά. Πολυεκατομμυριούχος ο ίδιος και με γάμο σκοπιμότητας με την Δισεκατομμυριουχα Khandadashevna Rustamova θεωρείται ότι είναι μαζί με τον Surkov βασικά στελέχη της φιλοατλαντικής κλίκας της Μόσχας. Οι μέρες του Μεντβέντεβ όσο περνάει ο καιρός μοιάζουν μετρημένες εφόσον τόσο αυτός όσο και η κυβέρνηση του αδιαφορουν στην εκτέλεση των προεδρικών εντολών, προετοιμάζοντας το έδαφος για ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚΟ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΟ ΠΡΑΞΙΚΟΠΗΜΑ κατά της Ρωσικής ηγεσίας που σε αυτή την φάση βρίσκεται αντιμέτωπη με την σιωπηλή ΝΑΤΟική επιθετικότητα σε οικονομικό - στρατιωτικό και γαιοπολιτικό επίπεδο

Fotos of other 5th Columnists..>>

Elvira Nabiullina


and.. the duo harma..

Russia Insider - We Found Him! - he is Vsevolod Goncharevskii

We Found Him! A Reader Names the Odessa Thug From Yesterday's Bombshell Video

A reader sent us the name of the guy in the article and video we posted yesterday, which showed him brutally clubbing prostrate people who had fallen from the burning building during the Odessa massacre on May 2 of this year.

Our article went viral overnight, with 15,000 hits, and 7,500 views of the video on our youtube channel. That's a lot for a site that has only been public for two weeks!

Based on the huge response to yesterday's article, Russian news organizations have contacted RI to follow up on the story.

Apparently he was arrested on charges of violence during the melee, and held for a while, but then released. During the court proceeding deciding his release, pro-Kiev activists demonstrated in support of him in front of the court buildings.

Goncharevsky's supporters demonstrating in front of the court building

His name is Vsevolod Goncharevskii (middle name: Eduardovich). He is a lawyer, and well-known pro-Kiev activist. 47 years old, a resident of Odessa.

Here he is speaking to local TV stations (in Russian):

Here are three news stories (in Russian) reporting his arrest,trial, and release:

That's what we know as of now. Stay tuned, there's sure to be more ...

Update: another reader just sent us this... RIA Novosti (Russian service) is reporting that there will be coordinated demonstrations tomorrow (Oct. 2) calling attention to the Odessa massacre in the following European cities: Dublin, Frankfurt, Strasbourg, Brussels, Warsaw, Rome, and Madrid. On Oct. 3 there will be one in Berlin. According to Novosti, a combined 3000 people are planning to participate. The demonstrations are being organized by a guy who survived the Odessa Massacre, (Facebook Profile) and has vowed to campaign about this until justice is done.

Τρίτη 16 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

The war for Nuclear fuel in Ukraine and the minor structural defects of Westinghouse ..

The Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Station (Ukrainian: Запорізька АЕС) in Ukraine is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and the fifth largest in the world. The plant is located in Central Ukraine near the city of Enerhodar, on the banks of the Kakhovka Reservoir on the Dnieper river. It has 6 VVER-1000 pressurized light water nuclear reactors, each generating 1000 MWe, for a total power output of 6,000 MWe. The first five were successively brought online between 1985 and 1989, and the sixth was added in 1995. The plant generates about half of the country's electricity derived from nuclear power and more than a fifth of total electricity generated in Ukraine. This was the last construction in the former Soviet Union for a period of time.

the war for Nuclear fuel in Ukraine
Westinghouse says .. "never mind the  minor structural defects. " !!!
A U.S.-based energy company and Ukraine are on the verge of signing a deal that would lessen Russia's influence and give the West greater leverage on the former Soviet republic.

Westinghouse Electric Co. of Pennsylvania said on Thursday it is in negotiations to extend its contract with Ukraine energy operator Energoatom to supply nuclear fuel for reactors, a deal that would bolster the country's commitment to long-term cooperation with the West.The talks come after the Obama administration has extended the welcome mat to the interim Ukraine government as Kiev looks to strike deals with Western partners. In March, Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk met with President Barack Obama before meeting with Westinghouse officials in Pennsylvania."Westinghouse is currently in discussions with Energoatom to agree on an amended fuel supply contract," Westinghouse spokesman Hans Korteweg said.Ilona Zayets, a spokeswoman for state-owned Energoatom, said the two sides are in final negotiations on the deal, adding that Energoatom hopes to sign the contract next week.Ukraine's turbulent pivot westward comes with many challenges. The country is highly dependent on Russia for energy supplies and trade, which increases the vulnerability of its economy. It is a scenario that exists in several countries on the EU's eastern flank.On Thursday, the head of Russia's state-run gas giant, OAO Gazprom, OGZPY -2.45% said Ukraine will have to pay more for natural gas after a discount agreement was torn up by Russian President Vladimir Putin. That followed Gazprom's decision Tuesday to raise prices by 44%.

The interim government in Kiev, which came to power earlier this year after public protests and violence, has reached out to the West for alternatives and last week signed several parts of a long-sought association agreement with the EU.he nuclear contract being negotiated would extend for an unspecified number of years a fuel contract between Westinghouse, a unit of Japan's Toshiba Corp. 6502.TO -1.47%  , and Energoatom. The original deal was signed in 2008.Westinghouse first delivered fuel to Energoatom reactors in 2010. The company's fuel is currently used in two reactors in southern Ukraine.A senior Westinghouse official late last year said the deal is valued at about $100 million for a five-year supply. He added that a renewal of the contract was essential to keep its Swedish fuel processing plant in operation.The Swedish plant is the only non-Russian facility that produces fuel for Russian-designed reactors used in EU countries. It is a crucial outpost as the West aims to check Russian influence in Europe's eastern regions.The deal, if completed, also could provide the Czech Republic and Bulgaria—which both have Russian VVER 1000-type reactors—with an alternative fuel supplier.
August 8, 2013 12:00 AM
By Anya Litvak Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

In a vacuum, Westinghouse's recent setbacks with fuel assemblies in the Ukraine could be interpreted just as the utility EnergoAtom described them: minor structural defectsEastern Europe, however, is far from a vacuum.
The arrangement of hexahedral fuel assemblies compared to a Westinghouse PWR design

In the nuclear world, it's one of the front lines in a commercial battle between the U.S. nuclear giant, Cranberry-based Westinghouse Electric Co., and Russia's state-owned Rosatom. Not to mention the word "minor" doesn't fit anything about a nuclear reactor, least of all in a country that's home to Chernobyl, the worst nuclear disaster in history.

While Westinghouse and EnergoAtom remain optimistic that the structural issues are behind them, Ukraine's nuclear regulators are more cautious. And Russia is ready to step in to reclaim its monopoly over the country's nuclear operations. "You still have a split in the Ukraine," said Bob Percopo, a consultant to nuclear companies and the U.S. Department of Energy.

Some in the Ukraine government want to assert their independence from Russia, while others cling to old Soviet dynamics of Russia as protector. "And typical of Russia, they don't want to lose any of their influence on anything that was part of former Soviet Union," Mr. Percopo said.
Westinghouse has been trying to gain a foothold in Ukraine for more than a decade by tailoring its fuel services to the country's Russian-made reactors. Its involvement there began after the U.S. government signed on to help Ukraine experiment with Western-made fuel in its reactors. The former Soviet republic has always relied on Russia to supply its fuel but wanted to hedge its bets with other suppliers. Ukraine is already dependent on Russia for its natural gas supplies.

In 2005, Westinghouse got a commercial contract with EnergoAtom to supply fuel assemblies between 2011 and 2015. In 2012, during a routine inspection, the utility reported that Westinghouse's assemblies had structural damage. It had to swap those for Russian-made fuel assemblies, which the utility estimated cost $170 million.

EnergoAtom's attorney told Ukrainian media recently that the utility is preparing documents to file a suit against Westinghouse. Earlier this summer, Westinghouse submitted a design proposal to the Ukrainian nuclear regulator for amending its fuel assemblies to resolve the alleged defects. Then, in mid-July, inspectors found defects in another set of assemblies. Scott Shaw, a spokesman for Westinghouse, declined to comment on the consequence of the situation and, instead, provided this statement:

"Westinghouse continues to discuss long-term fuel supply to Ukrainian reactors; there is a mutual recognition of the value of competitive supply and technology diversification. We believe our fuel is of high quality and we fully expect a long-term presence in the Ukrainian fuel market."

This is Westinghouse's second attempt to fuel Russian-made reactors. In 2000, it began supplying nuclear fuel to CEZ, a Czech utility, for two reactors that it helped to modify at CEZ's Temelin station. In 2009, Russian company TVEL took that business away. Now, the two rivals have returned to Temelin for a fight over an even bigger prize -- the contract to build two new nuclear reactors, a $10 billion project.

Westinghouse and Rosatom are the final two bidders under consideration by the Czech utility. It's a capitalist Cold War showdown. But Mark Hibbs, senior associate in the nuclear policy program with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said there's at least one benefit for Westinghouse if Russia succeeds in its plans to pepper the world with its reactors. To the extent that Westinghouse can prove its fuel is safe and effective inside Russian-made reactors, the American company can wait for Rosatom to build new plants in foreign countries, then come in and try to undercut Russia on fuel contracts.

That's one of the motivations behind Westinghouse's work in Ukraine, Mr. Hibbs said, even with the setbacks the company has suffered there."As Russia's nuclear universe expands, it would be logical for Westinghouse to piggyback on that emerging market," he said.

Δευτέρα 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

U are Russian Moscal if U dont jump

Surkov arrived into Kiev to meet Poroshenko

Μυστική συνάντηση Surkov - Poroschenko  αποκαλύπτεται .. 
I would like to add that Surkov arrived into Kiev to meet Poroshenko on the background of the "truce" . Such a meeting was expected, because sooner or later the "expert consultations" and backstage doings had to lead to some more official meetings, although this time the fact of meeting became known from the snippets of information that leaked. Of course, at this time there is no information on what exactly Surkov and Poroshenko were discussing..

Ukranian tactics..

Τρίτη 19 Αυγούστου 2014

The president and the Avatar or.. Khodorkovsky's revenge

This is the reason why they desided to save their business , not Donbass

this hard working person ..! with  "promissing"  career .. (on the right)
"During his studies at the institute, Khodorkovsky became a member of the Communist Party and an activist of the Komsomol – the Young Communists’ Union. He soon progressed to become deputy secretary of the institute’s Komsomol cell, and in 1986 he became a member, and then a deputy head, of the Komsomol committee in Moscow’s Frunzensky District.
The Frunzensky Komsomol Committee was one of the few organizations that were first allowed to undertake business activities with the start of perestroika.!!  censored  Khodorkovsky was in charge of the committee’s business branch, and later he created and headed an event-management company  Very Happy , the Foundation for Youth Initiative. In 1987, Khodorkovsky, together with his business partner Platon Lebedev, founded the NTTMCenter – officially a sort of business incubator with broad Soviet state support. Two more of Khodorkovsky’s famous partners started to work with him at NTTM – they were Leonid Nevzlin and Vladislav SurkovIn late 1987, Khodorkovsky and his partners formed a company they called MENATEP (the Russian abbreviation for inter-branch science and technology programs). Very Happy (well thats a serius business and science development..), and all sorts of deals with mass consumption goods. In 1988, Khodorkovsky registered one of the first commercial banks in the country, KIB NTP, and floated its shares, successfully attracting funds from the population. " 
With this hard working person Khodorkovsky .. Mr. Vladislav Surkov (on the left) worked as partner and advisor..  and later as close advisor of Putin. Has been said that this  (hard working) guy secured Medvedevs nomination for president.. 
This same person ,Vladislav Surkov, has been openly accused from Donbass people (Gubarev, Strelkov etc) that he works hard for the failure of the Donbass uprisingWho can denay that  Dugin's lost post as Head of the Department of Sociology of International Relations of Moscow State University has nothing to do with this guy?? 
sory to say again... The Russian ruling class  has not a gram of patriotism and only cares for the SHORT term profits, not being able (as most of them are uneducated ) to see long term, as the US and European ruling class does.

Τετάρτη 18 Ιουνίου 2014

Δραματική έκκληση του Gumbarev στον ΠΟΥΤΙΝ !! - Обращение Павла Губарева к России и соотечественникам

Братья и сестры! Обращаюсь к вам от имени Народного ополчения Донбасса!

Сегодня здесь на Донбассе – в Славянске и Краматорске, в Донецке и Луганске, в городах и поселениях Новороссии – решается судьба Русского Мира. Решается судьба нашей общей Родины - Большой России. Сегодня здесь мы воюем не только за Донецкую и Луганские народные республики – мы воюем за русскую культуру, за русский язык, за русскую историю, за саму сущность России!

Мы твердо убеждены, что мы стоим не только за свои города, но и за города России: за Москву, за Ростов-на-Дону, за Волгоград, за Хабаровск, за Владивосток. Если мы сегодня сдадим наши позиции – завтра такое же горе может прийти в семьи наших российских собратьев. Помимо меня это понимание разделяют многие люди не только здесь и не только в России, но и в других странах мира. С самых разных уголков планеты к нам едут добровольцы, чтобы влиться в ряды нашего ополчения.

Нам обещали, что нас сотрут с лица земли до инаугурации нового президента Украины. Нам это обещают вот уже два последних месяца. Но мы до сих пор стоим и не сдаемся. Нас утюжат авиацией и артиллерией, жгут минометами и «градом». Но мы боремся, мы сражаемся и воюем до последнего, потому что мы убеждены, что наша борьба – это борьба за Русский Мир перед лицом агрессии Запада против русской цивилизации.

Мы прекрасно пониманием, что Запад сейчас всеми силами пытается втравить Россию в войну с Украиной, чтобы списать на нее все свои внешнеполитические просчеты и обелить все свои коварные планы и замыслы. Вместе с тем, мы вынуждены признаться, что без помощи России нас ждут большие потери среди наших ополченцев и гражданского населения. Вскоре счет может пойти на тысячи людских жизней. Наши силы на исходе. Украинская карательная армия сбрасывает на наши головы тонны свинца и металла, тонны огня и снарядов. В результате гибнут мирные безоружные люди: старики, женщины и дети. Эти твари – нацистские уроды – не остановится не перед чем, чтобы выполнить приказы своих хозяев – лидеров стран Европы и США.

Мы видим, что мировое сообщество не желает бороться за жизни мирных жителей Донбасса, предпочитая отмалчиваться и стоять в стороне. Поэтому для нас единственным спасением является помощь России. Но мы знаем, что некоторые кремлёвские помощники и влиятельные круги отговаривают Президента России от принятия решения о поддержки нас в нашей борьбе. Как вчера обозначил в своем обращении министр обороны Донецкой Народной Республики Игорь Иванович Стрелков: «..если военной помощи не будет - военное поражение ДНР и ЛНР неизбежно. ..Противник отрежет нас от границы и методично удушит, попутно "зачистив" территорию и одномоментно выбросив в РФ миллион-два полностью обездоленных и озлобленных беженцев. К Путину со скорбными лицами придут группой "благодарные олигархи", вытолкнут вперед "великого комбинатора" Суркова, и тот все объяснит тихим вкрадчивым голосом: "Мы сделали все, что могли, но эти... никуда не годные донецкие бандиты сами все провалили, и мы ничем не можем им помочь, кроме как рискуя ядерной войной... Они сами-себя наказали... Не стоит рисковать... Надо потерпеть... Мы потом все исправим... С Порошенко можно договориться... Тактическое отступление... Воевать мы не готовы... Крым все равно отвоевали... и т.д., и т.п.»

Тем не менее, от своего имени, хотел бы выразить уверенность, что Владимир Владимирович Путин примет свое суверенное решение, которое спасёт много жизней. Мы верим, что народный лидер России примет необходимые меры по защите своих соотечественников. 

Мы надеемся на силу Россию! Мы верим в ее Президента! Мы ждём дня нашей общей победы!


Σήμερα, εδώ στην Donbas - Slovyansk και Kramatorsk, Ντόνετσκ και Lugansk, σε πόλεις και κωμοπόλεις της Νέας Ρωσίας - παίζεται η μοίρα του ρωσικού κόσμου. Η τύχη της κοινής  μας Πατρίδας  η  Μεγάλη Ρωσία. Σήμερα, εδώ αγωνιζόμαστε όχι μόνο για την εθνική δημοκρατία Ντόνετσκ και Lugansk - αγωνιζόμαστε για το ρωσικό πολιτισμό για τη ρωσική γλώσσα, την ιστορία της Ρωσίας, για την ίδια την ουσία της Ρωσίας!

Πιστεύουμε ακράδαντα ότι δεν είμαστε μόνο για την πόλη τους, αλλά και για τις πόλεις της Ρωσίας: Μόσχα, στο Rostov-on-Don, Volgograd πάνω για Khabarovsk, Βλαδιβοστόκ για. Αν παραδώσουμε τις θέσεις μας σήμερα - αύριο η  ίδια θλίψη μπορεί να έρθει στις οικογένειες των Ρώσων συναδέλφων μας. Εκτός από μένα αυτή η αντίληψη αυτή συμμερίζονται πολλοί άνθρωποι, όχι μόνο εδώ, και όχι μόνο στη Ρωσία αλλά και σε άλλες χώρες. Από διαφορετικές γωνιές του πλανήτη που έρχονται  εθελοντές να ενταχθούν στις τάξεις της πολιτοφυλακής μας.

Τετάρτη 4 Ιουνίου 2014

31st May 2014 . Losses of Ukrainian forces

More than 950+ killed, wounded and POWs
from them:
-450+ National Guards/Right Sector soldiers
-200+ paramilitary battalions (Dnepr, Donbass, Azov)
-116+ soldiers from 95,25,89th Airmobile brigade, 51st Ind. Motorised Rfl. Bde and home affairs troops
-32+ soldiers fro misc. spetsnaz
-88 SBU agents (including SWAT teams)
-25 CIA agents (13 killed, 12 very seriously wounded)
-70+ mercenaries: "ASBS Othago" - 8 (snipers), "Greystone", "Hello trust", "Academy" - 64
- 2х Hummers;
- 18х BTR-70/80 APCs;
- 9х BMP-1/2;
- 9х BMD-1/2;
- 1х BRDM-2;
- 2х SP gun 2С3 "Akatsiya"(maybe 1 - 2С1 and 1 - 2С3);
- 1х Т-64BV;
- 14х trucks (4х KAMAZ, 3х GAZ-66, 3х Ural, 1х UAZ-469, 3х unspecified)
- 1х 2Б9 Vasilek automatic mortar;
- 3х howitzers D-30/74;
- 3х 120mm mortars;
- 2х 23мм ZU-23/2;
About 28 AFVs (APCs, BMP, BMD) damaged

Captured: 30 vehicles. From them 10 vehicles in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk (1 - BMD-2, 2 - BMD-1, 1 - 2C6 "Nona", 2 - BTR-D, 2 - BRDM-2, 2 - IMR-2M (eng. vehicle)
7 AFVs in Donetsk - 3 - BTR-80, 1 - BTR-70KShM, 1 - BMP-2, 2 - BRDM-2

5 AFVs in Mariupol: 3 - BTR-70/80, 2 BRDM-2

8 AFVs in Lugansk republic: 4 - BMP-2, 2 - BTR-70/80, 2 - BRDM-2
Air force:

299th Brigade lost in fights for Donetsk 1 - Mi-8MT/Mi-17 (in airport by grenade) + 1 Mi-24VP (AA missile, the crew was killed)
16th Brigade - 3 - Mi-8MT/Mi-17 + 3 Mi-24 (all on May 02)
51st Brigade of National Guards - 1 Mi-8MT (May 29). 
Proably lose one more Mi-8MT on May 29 on take off knowcked down, or some kind of breakage. Crews of both dead

- 4 Mi-24
- 5 Mi-8MT/Mi-17

Damaged helicopters:
1 Mi-24 was damaged from surface fire on May 2, managed to escape and grounded in emergency. Broken tail and engine fire 
2 Mi-8MT damaged by small arms fire
1 Mi-24VP damaged in the course of fights for Donetsk railway station. Fire in engine. Managed to ground 5 km from the town.

Πέμπτη 29 Μαΐου 2014

80 Ukrainian soldiers surrender to self-defense forces in Lugansk

80 Ukrainian soldiers surrender to self-defense forces in Lugansk
All of the 80 Ukrainian troops holed up at a Lugansk military base have surrendered to self-defense forces who stormed the military installation hosting the Ukrainian National Guard. The initial assault lasted for 10-15 minutes with almost unceasing gunfire, witnesses say